Coaching the same old way could be costing you dearly!

I love coaching. I do, really. I simply love the ability to help people break through barriers and achieve great results, often such as they never believed possible.

I also like getting the results fast. Speed has so many advantages: The clients get faster to their desired goals. Faster results also mean that mistakes, if any, are exposed faster and cause less damage. All this makes for happy clients. Happy clients are more likely to recommend me and refer others to me, so I can spend less time on client-acquisition activities and more time on coaching. And last, being able to achieve results fast means I can also serve more clients, and earn more money. Money, as they say, likes speed.

I can do this, I can get results very fast, because I use the best coaching method there is – “1 Day Executive Coaching”. And the great thing about it is not really limited to executive and corporate clients. This method is just as powerful in any type of coaching. I’ve used it to help businesses grow, and managers achieve their goals. I also used this method to help two lovely ladies to identify and eliminate destructive dating behavior and get married within months, after years of bad dating experiences. I used it to assist an engineer envision and execute a life changing career move, as she became the darling of an entire town’s in her new self-employed career as a movement and dance therapist. I coached entrepreneurs, nurses, teachers, accountants, a prison warden and even social activists.

And with all of them, I only had to spend a few hours.

Traditional coaching techniques can get you results, but if you are still relaying on slow intake sessions and require days of studying before you actually help your corporate client, you are wasting time and losing money that should be yours. People are no longer willing to pay their money for you to get up to speed. And, as the world moves ever towards shorter attention spans and impatience, you risk becoming irrelevant with younger and faster executives.

1-Day executive coaching is a coaching method that enables you to analyze any situation, identify the few critical aspects that influence the client’s success, help the client devise the best possible goal to get going towards his or hers desired outcome, and even have a plan ready – all within one business day! Combining the teachings of the late Peter Drucker with proven coaching techniques, this method relays on sound philosophical principles as well as on practical experience. It was developed in Israel, and is not taught anywhere else – until now.

I wrote The Book on this method. I have taught this method to over 750 coaches, and I have been practicing it myself with my clients for over 15 years. Unless you come to Israel and can study in Hebrew, you will not find another teacher to learn it from, and none, even in Israel, is better qualified to teach it than me. Eventually, I will teach others to replace me. If you wish to learn from the source, now is the time.

The 1-Day executive Coaching Masterclass is about to start soon. If you coach or consult people, You should join it. You can find all the details at

If you require additional information, please email Mati at

Executive coaching training found here


See you in class!
