How to Sell Your Coaching Services (Infographics)


This cool infographic cost me 30$ on Fiverr, but you can have if for free if you want, because I really made this for you (and for my other readers).

A while ago I mentioned the 9 principles to selling your coaching services in one of my classes, and the students made me promise to send it to them. I don’t usually put too much into the visual aspect of the presentations, but this time I decided that I want to give this away as a gift. So I found a graphic designer on Fiver and had her turn my simple bullets into a nice looking poster.

You can use it as a visual aid when calling prospect or writing marketing materials, and if you implement these nine principles in your selling strategy, you can’t help but get more clients. I aim at corporate clients, but I am sure that the same principles would help you sell any type of coaching client.

So – just click the red link and get it – free.